*ONLY OFFERED at our 10:30 am SERVICE*
Reminders for THIS Sunday!
Covid Updates:
Though the threat from Covid has decreased significantly, we want to continue to care well for all Kingdom KiDS families. We want Kingdom KiDS to be a welcoming place for all whether or not one chooses to mask. We will continue to provide hand sanitizer at check-in, encourage regular handwashing, and observe our sick policy.
Parents/Guardians are to take their children to and from the classrooms.
After you check in your child at the kiosk (see below), please take them to their classroom. Also be mindful of crowding around classroom doors, and blocking foot/stroller traffic on sidewalks. It's best if you can drop off your child as quickly as possible and then make your way to service.
When you arrive for check-in, please be ready with the last 4 digits of your cellphone number.
You will use this number at the kiosk to check-in your children and print the necessary tags. Volunteers will be available to assist. If you are not yet in our system, or there is a glitch, we will take you into the office to to quickly remedy the situation. If your number has changed, please let us know ahead of time. Keep your security tag as it will be used for classroom drop-off and pick-up.
Check-in takes place between 10:15 and 10:30 AM outside the Early Childhood office, and pick-up is at 11:40 AM.
You will be greeted by volunteers who will provide hand sanitizer, assist as needed at the check-in kiosk, and direct you and your child(ren) to their classroom. We can receive children no earlier than 10:15 and no later than 10:45 AM. Please keep your tag as you will need it when you drop off and pick up your child(ren) at 11:40 AM.
Kingdom Kids is a "Nut-Free Zone."
For the safety of all our children (workers too), we encourage you to provide snacks that will not cause allergic reactions. The only snacks we provide on site are nut, gluten, and food allergy free. We also use only nontoxic cleaning products.
We encourage our 3rd-5th Grade class members to bring their Bibles with them!
They are learning how to use their Bibles, what are the different parts of the Bible, and how to look up books, chapters, and verses!
Each Sunday we hand out "All About You" sheets for the parents to complete about their children.
Please complete these and return to us as soon as possible. These help our volunteers better connect with your children and remember things like birthdays, etc.