Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress. James 1:27
The Avenue Church is committed to the foster care crisis! We believe it is our duty to stand in the margins for those who do not have a voice. We have partnered with a couple non-profits and have some very practical next steps you can take alongside us.
Care Portal
CarePortal is a technology platform that connects vulnerable children and families to people who have something to give. Social workers uncover the needs. CarePortal makes local churches aware, giving them a real-time opportunity to respond.
Fill out this form to see how best you may serve the CAREPORTAL TEAM!
CarePortal serves any child in crisis. Jesus cast the widest net of love, tearing down cultural biases and promoting radical, personal generosity and concern for those in need. With that example, CarePortal brings together diverse constituents – government agencies, churches, businesses, schools, and other ministries – to support children and families in crisis regardless of race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, nationality, political leanings, etc. If we find any of our partners are discriminating against the children and families they meant to unconditionally serve, they will be removed from the network
Children and families
First and foremost, CarePortal exists to help hurting children and families. All requests submitted through CarePortal come from caseworkers at government child welfare agencies or other child-serving organizations approved by CarePortal to vet needs.
Child welfare professionals are on the front lines for children and families every day. CarePortal connects them to a caring community eager to stand behind them and provide them with resources to be more effective and efficient.
4Kids of South Florida
CityHouse was started right here at The Avenue Church. Pastor Casey had a burden to help homeless single mothers. This burden began with a few families who were provided with temporary shelter for children through a program called Safe Families. This program helps divert children from being placed in the child welfare system while the mothers seek to reestablish themselves so that once again they may care for their own children. Effective care was provided to the children apart from their mothers, while a desire to do more for their mothers was ignited.
Over time, it became clear that if more emphasis could be placed on the family unit rather than just the children, these single mothers in need would have better opportunities to develop healthy lifestyles enabling them to provide sustainable, loving and proper care to their children. We established CityHouse in 2014 to provide long-term, transformational assistance to mothers and their children.
"Every Child Deserves a Home"
4KIDS brings hope to babies, kids, teens, and young adults by providing safe and secure environments for healing, equipped parents and caregivers who are trained to love kids from hard places, essential resources to meet their physical needs, nurturing counsel to help them thrive, and a renewed sense of value in their hearts